QA/QC RAM analysis turret and mooring FPSO

MAR Consulting provided quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) of a Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM) analysis of a turret and mooring of a Floating Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel. The system consisted of a single point mooring and submerged turret production (STP), based on technology developed by the client. The RAM analysis documented the methodology and results in terms of production efficiency for the turret and mooring system.

RAM analysis subsea tie-back

MAR Consulting supported the development of a Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability (RAM) study for a new field subsea tie-back in the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS). The objective of the study was to provide the production efficiency (PE) estimates for the subsea field value chain in accordance with a revised base case and a high-level assessment for other three cases with different number of wells. In addition, a sensitivity analysis was performed for increased mobilization times due to no spare parts for the subsea production system (SPS), and subsea umbilical riser flowline (SURF).

BOP FMECA update to API S53 5th Edition

MAR Consulting AS updated a Failure Modes, Effect, Criticality and Diagnostics Analysis (FMECA / FMEDA) of the hydraulic control and safety systems of a major drilling contractor’s subsea drilling BOP. MAR Consulting had performed the previous original FMECA / FMEDA based on API S53 4th Edition and the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). The new rig contract requires compliance with API S53 5th Edition and therefore warranted the update. And it is outside the Gulf of Mexico where the US CFRs are not applicable. This work is part of the partnership to develop a BOP digital twin and failure […]

FMEDA Deepwater drilling blow-out preventer

MAR Consulting facilitated and documented a Failure Modes, Effect, Criticality and Diagnostics Analysis (FMECA / FMEDA) of a deepwater drilling blow-out preventer of a major drilling contractor’s subsea drilling BOP. This work is part of an extended partnership to to cover the entire fleet of drilling rigs and ships. Description of projects MAR Consulting has been involved as part of this partnership: FMECA BOP subsea drilling safety system · MAR Consulting; FMECA / FMEDA subsea drilling BOP (electrical and hydraulic systems) · MAR Consulting; FMECA of redundant subsea BOP deadman-autoshear · MAR Consulting; FMEA of electrical and control systems in […]

FMECA BOP subsea drilling safety system

MAR Consulting facilitated and documented a Failure Modes, Effect, Criticality and Diagnostics Analysis (FMECA / FMEDA) of the hydraulic control and safety systems of a major drilling contractor’s subsea drilling BOP. This work is part of an extended partnership to to cover the entire fleet of drilling rigs and ships. Description of projects MAR Consulting has been involved as part of this partnership: FMECA / FMEDA subsea drilling BOP (electrical and hydraulic systems) · MAR Consulting; FMEA of electrical and control systems in subsea BOP · MAR Consulting; FMECA of redundant subsea BOP deadman-autoshear · MAR Consulting; FMECA electrical and […]

FTA of subsea BOP control and safety system

MAR Consulting developed a Fault Tree (FT) and Analysis (FTA) on failures of subsea Blow-Out Preventer (BOP) components, equipment, and systems. The probabilistic study made use of the developed fault tree and industry reported failure data (JIP RapidS53). The failure data used was collected in 2017-2018 from drilling rigs with BOP systems operating in the Gulf of Mexico. The main objective of the FTA of the subsea BOP was to develop a qualitative fault tree and use it to estimate the probability of the BOP system being unable to secure and seal the well (top event). The output of the […]

Mini-FSA stage 3 equipment for an SPS

MAR Consulting performed a functional safety assessment (FSA) stage 3 for an engineering contractor and equipment supplier to a subsea production system (SPS). The SPS will be installed and operated in the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS). The equipment designed by the engineering company constituted the boundary for the FSA. The equipment is similar to the SPS currently in production in the tie-in field. Hence, the FSA focused mainly on installation, commissioning, and validation activities. MAR Consulting acted as an independent assessor to the project. The objectives were to ensure the equipment is fit for the safety instrumented functions; and is […]

FMECA / FMEDA subsea drilling BOP (electrical and hydraulic systems)

MAR Consulting facilitated and documented a Failure Modes, Effect, Criticality and Diagnostics Analysis (FMECA / FMEDA) of the electrical and hydraulic control and safety systems of a major drilling contractor’s subsea drilling BOP. This work is part of an extended partnership to deliver such a product to the entire fleet of drilling rigs and ships. Description of projects MAR Consulting has been involved as part of this partnership: FMEA of electrical and control systems in subsea BOP · MAR Consulting; FMECA of redundant subsea BOP deadman-autoshear · MAR Consulting; FMECA electrical and control systems in subsea BOP · MAR Consulting; […]

FSA stage 2 of SPS (subsea production system)

MAR Consulting performed a functional safety assessment (FSA) stage 2 for the operator of a subsea production system (SPS). The SPS will be installed and operated in the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS). The FSA also included the SIS lifecycle phases typically assessed in an FSA stage 1. The scope was the subsea development design and boundaries towards the topside on the host platform. The scope of the assessment excluded topside tie-in modifications. MAR Consulting acted as an independent assessor to ensure the design of the SIS meets the required risk reduction and is in compliance with the standards, Norwegian rules, […]

FMEA of electrical and control systems in subsea BOP

MAR Consulting facilitated and documented an FMEA of electrical and control systems of a major drilling contractor’s subsea BOP. Purpose of the FMEA MAR Consulting facilitated the failure mode, effects and criticality analysis (FMECA) based on the methodology described on international standard IEC60812. Since it also included analysis of diagnostic capabilities, it could also go by the FMEDA designation (failure mode, effects, and diagnostic analysis). However, the purpose was significantly different than most FMEAs. Typically, an FMEA evaluates a design with the objective to unveil its weaknesses (and strengths). As a result, this information can form the basis of a […]