Mini-HAZOP and LOPA – open drain offshore wind power substation

MAR Consulting facilitated a mini-HAZOP (hazard and operability) and a LOPA (layers of protection) analysis of an open drain system in an offshore wind substation platform. Since the platform is normally unmanned and due to environmental conditions in the region (South Korea), the Operator prefers to discharge the open drain inventory to sea. The discharge shall be processed to avoid potential contaminants (such as transformer oils, foam from active fire protection, etc) to sea. Discharging to sea is an alternative to collecting the open drain in a sump tank and potentially requiring extra de-bunkering visits. The objective of the HAZOP […]

LOPA module integration FPSO

MAR Consulting was contracted to support with a layers of protection analysis (LOPA) of one module integration in a floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel. The project may require additional barriers to protect the new equipment to be installed. These barriers can be, among other options, safety instrumented functions (SIF). LOPA is one method to allocate safety integrity levels (SIL) to SIFs if additional risk reduction is necessary. The objectives of the LOPA/ SIL allocation were to: Verify if the existing barriers are sufficient, and the risk level is sufficiently reduced such that the tolerability criteria is achieved to […]

SIL study of over-speed modules for gas turbine generators and compressors

MAR Consulting performed a functional safety/SIL study of over-speed safety instrumented functions (SIF) protecting gas turbine generators (GTG) and gas compressors installed in a floating, production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel. The SIFs included 2oo3 voting speed sensors and 1oo3 voting valves controlled by over-speed modules. The work covered the following phases of the safety instrumented system (SIS) lifecycle, as per IEC61511 Ed.1 and the client’s internal guidelines: Allocation of functions to protection layers (phase 2) using layers of protection analysis (LOPA); Safety requirements specification (SRS) (phase 3) with general and specific one-pagers SRS datasheets; Safety integrity level (SIL) compliance (phase […]