SIL study of over-speed modules for gas turbine generators and compressors
MAR Consulting performed a functional safety/SIL study of over-speed safety instrumented functions (SIF) protecting gas turbine generators (GTG) and gas compressors installed in a floating, production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel. The SIFs included 2oo3 voting speed sensors and 1oo3 voting valves controlled by over-speed modules. The work covered the following phases of the safety instrumented system (SIS) lifecycle, as per IEC61511 Ed.1 and the client’s internal guidelines: Allocation of functions to protection layers (phase 2) using layers of protection analysis (LOPA); Safety requirements specification (SRS) (phase 3) with general and specific one-pagers SRS datasheets; Safety integrity level (SIL) compliance (phase […]