Mini-HAZOP and LOPA – open drain offshore wind power substation

MAR Consulting facilitated a mini-HAZOP (hazard and operability) and a LOPA (layers of protection) analysis of an open drain system in an offshore wind substation platform. Since the platform is normally unmanned and due to environmental conditions in the region (South Korea), the Operator prefers to discharge the open drain inventory to sea. The discharge shall be processed to avoid potential contaminants (such as transformer oils, foam from active fire protection, etc) to sea. Discharging to sea is an alternative to collecting the open drain in a sump tank and potentially requiring extra de-bunkering visits. The objective of the HAZOP […]

FTA support for complex scenarios

MAR Consulting supported the Client in performing a fault tree analysis (FTA) for hazardous scenarios in an onshore chemical facility. The scenarios to be analysed were deemed too complex to be handled in a traditional layer of protection analysis (LOPA). LOPA cannot be used for scenarios with a multitude of initiating causes and different combinations of independent protection layers (IPL) for each cause. Fault trees are more flexible and can be used to model the probability of occurrence of such hazardous scenarios.

FTA of subsea BOP control and safety system

MAR Consulting developed a Fault Tree (FT) and Analysis (FTA) on failures of subsea Blow-Out Preventer (BOP) components, equipment, and systems. The probabilistic study made use of the developed fault tree and industry reported failure data (JIP RapidS53). The failure data used was collected in 2017-2018 from drilling rigs with BOP systems operating in the Gulf of Mexico. The main objective of the FTA of the subsea BOP was to develop a qualitative fault tree and use it to estimate the probability of the BOP system being unable to secure and seal the well (top event). The output of the […]

CHAZOP of control system on electrical power plant

MAR Consulting facilitated and documented a 2-day computer and control system HAZOP (CHAZOP) and a what-if analysis for an electrical power plant in Aruba. Major upgrades to the control system (HMI, PLCs, and network) triggered the analysis, with the objectives to: ▪ Evaluate the control system design modifications with regards to safety and operability;▪ Eliminate or reduce the likelihood of accidents and incidents due to the control system design modifications;▪ Identify and recommend design improvements. A what-if/ CHAZOP is a systematic review of the design and operation of a control system. MAR Consulting conducted the study as a multidisciplinary workshop […]

Fire and explosion risk analysis for LNG driven power plant

MAR Consulting developed a Fire and Explosion Risk Analysis (FERA) for an LNG driven power plant during the design phase. The objective of the analysis was to provide a fire and explosion strategy for the power plant, based on the risk evaluation of fire and explosion hazard scenarios. The strategy is one input to provide decision support for design modifications. The risk evaluation used a separate quantitative risk assessment (QRA) study for major accident hazards, including fire and explosion.

Nuclear industry risk identification – contract extension

MAR Consulting AS received a contract extension to perform hazard identification (HAZID) and operability analysis with regards to worker safety in a major new build in Lund, Sweden. The new build will be a European nuclear research facility. Further responsibilities include oxygen deficient hazard (ODH) analysis and defining processes, rules, guidelines, and procedures for risk identification, analysis, evaluation and treatment within the facility during design, manufacturing and installation phases.