FSA 3 overpressure protection functions

MAR Consulting was contracted to perform a functional safety assessment (FSA) stage 3 of overpressure protection functions in an offshore platform in the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS).

The main objective of an FSA is to demonstrate compliance with IEC 61511 and 61508 functional safety standards, NOROG 070, and Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA) regulations through an independent assessment of the development process. Hence, the FSA process is a fundamental tool to ensure that the Safety Instrumented System (SIS) fulfills its requirements as an active barrier to reduce risk to acceptable levels.

The FSA team shall have some degree of independence to the project team. The degree of independence is dependent on the safety integrity level (SIL) of the functions being engineered. It is, however, normal to select external companies, such as ourselves, to perform FSAs due to specific expertise in this field combined with total independence. As a part of the FSA, MAR Consulting has carefully reviewed the available documentation, conducted a workshop with stakeholders, and documented discussions, findings and recommendations in a report.

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