MAR Consulting will perfom a functional safety assessment (FSA) stage 2 of a subsea production system (SPS) bound to be installed and operate in the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS). The end client is the company engineering the SPS. The contract is in effect immediately.
FSA stage 2 focus on the design and engineering of the safety instrumented systems (SIS). In this case, there are two autonomous independent SIS aiming at reducing risks to acceptable levels. Furthermore, MAR Consulting will ensure that the assumptions and actions identified on the previous FSA (stage 1) were verified and acted upon. In addition, the client requested MAR Consulting expertise to assess test procedures (in preparation for an FSA stage 3) of the SIS in the SPS.
MAR Consulting will act as an independent assessor to ensure the design of the SIS meets the required risk reduction and it is in compliance with the standards, Norwegian rules, regulations and guidelines. The standards are the international functional safety standards IEC 61508, for SIS equipment vendors; and IEC 61511, which is specifically aimed at the process industry and particularly for designers and integrator in this industry. In Norway, it is typical to follow the guidelines from the Norwegian Oil and Gas Association (NOG) “Application of IEC 61508 and IEC 61511 in the Norwegian Petroleum Industry (Recommended SIL requirements)”, commonly known as NOG OLF-070. A new revision of NOG OLF-070 is available from June 2018, covering the latest modifications to IEC standards.